Monday, October 26, 2009

Between Canopy and Cushion..

Dad nodded with no countenance,
Was it a 'yes' saying 'no'?
And I relinquish to the remembrance..
My high head but still bowed low!

His arrival late at night..
Our reluctance to sleep,
Expectantly awaiting so upright..
Then His tired face advent to cheerfully peep...

When I drop my aitches,
When I settle on my ambivalence
I know He silently watches,
The next moment observed by my silence!

Intuitively won't be able to invade,
This canopy and cushion of love,
Mechanically, even if tried to cut by spade,
For I fear, I may lose my nerve..

For the worldly- pleasures can't lose Him,
While, he is the beginning of everything!
Where should I search His embrace when I scream?
All these thoughts are playing ring-a-ring-a-ring!

Forever and ever He'll be in my heart,
Then, only by scalar-distance should I go far?
Keeping the stone on my heart should I part?
Should I leave this 'meek-star'?
Thinking about this my eyes moisten,
Everything appears blurred and vague,
This feeling is really hard to soften,
Emotionally, should I renegue?


The virtual smiling enviously,
In it, the pendulum swinging this way to that..
And in the nook, candle still to tip...
Any road, but not any more or less..

The lines extending to infinity,
The objects protruding...
Projecting the impalpable change..
Any road but not any more or less..
Vibrating, the doors ahead..
Opening instantaneously to corroborate,
Strongly implying, its imponderable!
Any road, but not anymore or less..

The road to 'somewhere' shrinking,
Or perhaps, intensifying its length?
Curving its path to reach some depth...
Any road, but not anymore or less..

Why not? It can be said precision.
What a predicament it is!
Can't touch to feel, still impressionable!
Any road, but not anymore or less..

The candle in niche sizzling;
What anxiety does it have?
WOO SH! Smouldering escaped to sketchy smoke-rings....
Any road but not anymore or less..
Any road, but not anymore or less,
Could I afford to vanish in such disappearance!
Walking through doors, ignorant of right one..
Let the road shrink, should be me to magnify; myself...
Me at the infinity, snapping at the virtual verity!
Time has come now; for an autonomous endeavour...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It was trespassing...
Oh! what?
't was trespassing my attention...
And I got caught!
Though free to move
I couldn't walk...
't was a load o' lot!
My feet on it's feet..
Like distinguished rays with same origin...
Out of the way to give a thought;
Could I identify,
It was longer than I am...
Soft and silken,
but stout and black...
It stopped when I paused..
As if tracing me
to lead a talk...
't wasn't following me,
but walking beside me silently...
Reinstating that world is black,
Not within but beside,
walking with you..
hand in hand...
Colourful you are
And a white light shines within you...
Give it some space to penetrate through you..
It's the divinity,
not aloof...
It's within, I am the proof...
As I walk beside and not within.....
You rule and I serve...
White overpowers black...
Soon, as if freed...
Again could I move further...
'The Black' is the shadow,
Only a shadow- very helpless...
No shadow can overshadow;
As it is you who atlast lead!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sating The Thirst..

There are ripples in the blood...

The thumper-heart jumps too high,

Fastest of the things seems too slow!

Bizarre? Nothing eccentric!

It's the cerebrum's shindig!

Trying to fix-up the smithereens?

Don't wear a smirk,

Instead go and smite,

Get a tart response to your thirst!

Longing yearning?

Hypnotized by twitches and twizzles?

Accept it as the Lodestar!

Otherwise will be eaten up whole!

As the situation will oppose a gulp or a slurp!

Moreover, no 'sleeping-full' nights but widened eyes!

Avoid this rote,

Quench this thirst!

Nevertheless, it will result in a great outburst!

Obeying the inner-thoughts will pay off..

'To quieten and, be pellucid' stay the quote!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Could not figure out as who was wearing the mask,

Whether me or her; not courageous enough to ask...

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

It wasn't that we didn't share,

Most things were shared by just a stare!

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Beside each other we sat and stayed,

Pretendence of cop-out that we unwantedly made...

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Without expectation we waited awhile,

But could only put an awkward smile,

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Absolutely, remained controlled and capacious,

Inwardly berating, but the control simply bodacious!

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Valuing the feelings was mattering more,

Such bleary and bemused we had never been afore...

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Unable to resist atlast we avowed;

Each other, how deeply we loved...

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Already in her tender enclose,

Automatically, the fear of the 'mask' rarified in that pose...

Both know; both always cared...!

Both know; inside, both always cried...!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


When I walk the lonely path alone…
Only accompanied by the ever natural NATURE…
The sun shyly peeps in through the webbing branches!
The warm breeze hugs,
Says- hush!
Sweetens me- the aroma!
Dainty, dancing florets sing songs of welcome…
Bowed are the bushes in reverence…
Jaded leaves join up, altered jolly;
Make me feel like a princess
Walking on a studded carpet!
I, suddenly, turn around, with a wheeze,
And realize the gratefulness
Of the waving branches behind!
Again, as I start to move forward,
A leaf winks and enchants me!
My eye winks secretly to reply it!
A loosened fruit, startling me tumbles
Red go my cheeks as it,
Sniggers at my astounded expression!
The ensemble of nature drives me,
Long-drawn-out; unaware;
I reach the destined place in repercussion!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Azure was the sky...
No breach of the peace,
Laid the world in the tight embrace,
Of the quietness, in silver silence!

Azoic felt the world, why?
The shadows still...
Wasn't there any zephyr either,
Or the secret whisper of the trees!

Couldn't be heard the whiff of the alive,
Neither babble nor babel...
Whole of the atmosphere felt airy-fairy!
What had befallen, I wonder!

Bashful and benighted, still expecting zing,
Of ambiguity but betwixt and between!
The silence appeared truly bellicose;
Looking forward for the foe after all!

Soundlessness ushered nothing, zilch...
Drowning in the lull,
Adumbrated, shockingly acephalous stood me...
Still ameliorating for the atonal key!

Monday, February 2, 2009

"THE END" of School-life....

'All that starts well have to end well", is what I think. 'The School' has definitely gifted a good start, to shape us- our image, our future. The school has given us, shown us the way to think and has broaden our vision. It has made us to work hard; now that we are ready at the starting line to run in the race of life!

We have been moulded perfectly, only there is a need for its fine finishing! It has uncovered slight success and failure that we may need to face in future life...

The roots of the school are of course the teachers who taught us devotedly only to see us bloom into beautiful flowers!

The school is one of the phases of life that could neither be forgotten nor there is a chance for its repetition. I have a place for my school at the bottom of my heart which I will always treasure. As we say time waits for none, the time has again shown its property of flying away quickly....the sad part of it is- it has ended our golden days of School-life!

Ahead there is the sunset of school-life but with a new hope of sunrise....I can envision this sunset as sparkling as the gold; enlightening each and everything...

The important part of this is, we are now shouldered with more responsibilities and expectations. School was a practice test; the time has come to prove ourselves in the upcoming final tests!

Leaving the school is like leaving the shadow that has been with us throughout. It is like we have become homeless, helpless, on our own; even so, the sweet memories of the school seems to extend a helping hand towards us awakening the self-confidence...

Lastly, I would express 'leaving the school' as-

'Prologue is over, one by one the pages are done, that has ended the book;

Now, what is that all are waiting for?

It's the- Epilogue !'

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Humanity Overpowers

Humanity lost,
Purity lost,
Evil will be what the man's pose,
"Why is that 'the bad side' the man chose?"

Humanity lost,
Respect lost,
No idol, no admiration will pave the way to unattachment,
Of course, there won't be any space left for adjustment!

Humanity lost,
Prosperity lost,
This will feel like a spring without flowers,
Will this also stop God's blessing-showers?

Humanity lost,
Love lost,
World has evolved out of understanding and compassion,
Disconsolate, the planet will be more like a prison!

Humanity gained,
Everything gained,
This is the principle for the Universe to- everlast!
Then get to the oath and experience the magic-spells that are cast!

Still Guessing...

It wasn't that I didn't know,
It wasn't a thing to be ignored,
It was something clear in it's show...

It was caring, expressive,
In it's way righteous, divine
The thought of it- very impressive!

It was as original as the sky,
It was not about me but about we,
It was of everything- joy and cry...

A very blessed and gifted blessing,
That couldn't be measured,
Thought of it leaves the heart racing!

Still a question mark on my face
Can't guess the feeling what it was of...
So let this THING be in it's place!

Living and leaving it up to the imagination!
Living and leaving it up to the imagination!

Life-time Goes Tick-Tick!

Why is life measured by time?
Why is life trapped in the shackles of time?
''Go to bed- it's half past nine..."
''Oh! I can't wait...some work of mine!''

Time has hypnotized all humankind...
That is a mindless machine but a mastermind!
When it comes to time everything goes blind...
Stop! Have some pity! Be a little kind!

The ticking sound is really groping,
In the ears it is always ringing,
It is on and keeps on going!
In any ways, it's the most disturbing!

Let the life be limitless,
With boundaries, still boundless!
Full of work, but light and loadless!
What a life it will be- a very- timeless!

Path Of Success

Rising ray of hope,
Winding path of success,
At the top, has to reach the rope...
Even so, focus, focus, focus!

Success is ordinary,
Maybe a fair fame...
But it's feeling- extraordinary,
Then, why not be in the game?

Now, what is the resolution?
Once started never turn back
Go for it that's the mission
Likewise pack up the sack!

Whatever times faced failure,
Mind it, never give up,
There has to be some saviour,
Show guts and rise up...

Be considerate, creative, clear
Reveal differently, overcome the offence;
Though tough, outwit the fear
Till the ultimate, mark the presence!

Rising ray of hope...
Winding path of success...
Oops! Slipped? Haven't lost the scope...
So, go - focus, focus, focus!

Money Maroon

Momentary euphoria,
Unsatisfactory satisfaction,
Saturated sanctity...
Still; man moans- MONEY!

Repetitive wanting,
Irresistible longing,
Heartbreaking heat...
Still; man moans- MONEY!

Intolerable magnet,
Most-wanted stuff,
Acute addiction...
Still; man moans-MONEY!

Hard work for it,
Struggle for it,
Sacrifice for it,
Giving up the 'priceless',
For the 'priced power'...

THAT is the obsession,
Still; man moans-MONEY!

Simile Of Life

What is a life?!
It is a time given to compose a story,
with no fixed time, uncertainty;
and no guarantee about it's happy ending...
A music with high and low notes...
It's a compromise...
A period when the heart beats...
But it's end is sure and ought to come...
Life is about a death;
And death is about a new life...
Life is a mysterious journey;
Ahead there are misty moors and mirages,
Behind there are memories...sweet-bitter..
It is dotted with eventful phases.
It is a tour with no guiding maps...
without any spots to stop.
It's like a- shimmering silhouette...
with no ups and downs....
A cycle which goes on monotonously,
giving time for-joys to be sipped
to relish and taste each drop of it!
What is a life?
It is a time given to compose a story,
which sometimes remains; saying-
'To be continued', repeating the history!

Brandishing-'As A Rule'

People who advertise,
are more than who actually service;
They are the best ones at flaunting!
And I think it should be given a mopping...
These are the folk,
Have their nose always to poke,
Crack a joke...
Magnetizing the others at them to choke!
I say, 'Is there any need to swank?
Can't the populace be as frank?'
Acting smart, fooling everybody,
To raise voice against them,
Is there anybody?
'Show-off'- 'at the sake',
will turn the world- a fake.
Such humans are favoured, giving rise to partiality,
Leaving no-space to the ones with originality!
Community believes to judge a person by his heart...
but still follows and determines by his mere 'look-out-art'!
Well, this 'boast-ghost' has to run-off'
Sustaining the reality and proficiency from blowing off!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I always struggle and try,

Make my mind to get up and speak!

But never make it up like on me there's 'a secret spy'!

Mom and Dad and cousins and friends give me-'a kick'!

All in vain as never a bone moves across my cheek...

In this, my 'dumb-dull cases' of dumbness....

it so happened one day....

Everyone had to express their views....

In the "class discussion"; formal one-I guess!

Everyone spoke without any compulsion...

But I was silent as always I am;

My face very blank, full of thoughts inside-

telling me- to resolute to participate...

Was it my so-called 'innocence' or intelligence'

that had shut up my cheerful gate?

Then! Came a question targeted at only me....

Asking,"What do you want to say?"

Not a word came out from my lips;

Though my conscience helped me nod my head~~

'That' was when I was totally- DUMBFOUNDED!!!