Thursday, March 26, 2009


Could not figure out as who was wearing the mask,

Whether me or her; not courageous enough to ask...

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

It wasn't that we didn't share,

Most things were shared by just a stare!

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Beside each other we sat and stayed,

Pretendence of cop-out that we unwantedly made...

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Without expectation we waited awhile,

But could only put an awkward smile,

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Absolutely, remained controlled and capacious,

Inwardly berating, but the control simply bodacious!

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Valuing the feelings was mattering more,

Such bleary and bemused we had never been afore...

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Unable to resist atlast we avowed;

Each other, how deeply we loved...

Both knew; both cared...

Both knew; inside, both cried...

Already in her tender enclose,

Automatically, the fear of the 'mask' rarified in that pose...

Both know; both always cared...!

Both know; inside, both always cried...!